Painting on Location International®
ITALY ©1998-2025

Classes, Tours, Excursions, RT Airfare and Housing all Included
Fees are quoted based on current foreign exchange rates. ART - POLI Italy endeavors to keep prices as published but if there are exceptional costs increase beyond our control, ART - POLI Italy reserves the right to increase fees to meet those costs. We ask participants to purchase their Euros looking at the daily exchange rates and buy when the rate is the low. American money cannot be used in Italy and Euros will be necessary to purchase items from the grocery store like food or souvenirs.
A packet explaining all the travel information you need to know about the Euros, will be included with your ART - POLI Italy travel documents.
All participants must be in good health
and able to walk a mile a day, this includes stairs. You will need to fill out the medical form and return it to ART - POLI Italy.
All participants must have a valid passport. Your passport expiration date must be at least six months or more after the departure date. Departure date meaning the date you leave Italy. Americans do not need a visa for Italy if you are staying for less than three months. Non-US citizens need a VISA.
In order to obtain a VISA call the Italian Consulate of your country or city and find out what VISA is needed for your nationality. All participants that require a VISA also need an up to date valid America VISA or Green Card. You will not be able to leave the country without it.

ART - POLI Italy reserves the right to cancel any trip prior to departure for any necessary reason for insufficient sign-ups. The refund of all payments received shall release ART-POLI from any further liability.
A cancelled trip due to insufficient enrollment would occur two months prior
to departure. If a trip is cancelled due to
an act of God, terrorism, war or extreme weather conditions like a flood or earthquake, ART - POLI Italy will refund all money not spent in advance and use its best efforts to recover the most we can of the balance as soon as possible. If the apartment’s fees have already been spent, ART - POLI Italy will do its best to have similar apartments in the general area.
The housing contract between the apartments are with the participants in the program and their landlord, not ART - POLI Italy. You will be given a form to request what type of apartment and room you would want prior to leaving America.
You will not be able to change your request after you sign your Housing contract. ART-POLI Italy is offered apartments from the Italian housing landlords with a group rate. Cancellations would affect the group rate.
Travel insurance is highly recommended in case of participants last minute emergencies or illness. ART - POLI Italy is not responsible for the cancellations due to a participants change of mind, illness or emergency.
These paragraphs along with the necessary liability forms signed by each participant define ART - POLI Italy responsibility with respect to the trip. Please read this carefully, Payment of your deposit represents your acceptance of these following terms and conditions.

Participants can make their airline reservations.
We can also reserve them for you at no cost. If you agree to the chosen airline, you will pay the airline directly. ART - POLI is not responsible for those fees. If purchasing your airline ticket make sure, the dates are correct with the ART - POLI Italy program dates.
Check with your airline about their rules and insurance. ART - POLI Italy is not responsible for your airline tickets, cancellations, or fees occurred from change, interruption of service, seat change, or damaged or lost baggage. In the event of a problem, participants must look into defaulting the airline.
ART - POLI Italy asks all participants to arrive at the airport in Italy between 12 pm and 2 pm. You will leave America and arrive in Italy the next day.
When leaving for Italy all participants should arrive EARLY in case of travel interruption.
If your plane would have a delay take the next plane leaving for Florence. Call the program director, when you arrive at the airport and take a taxi directly to your apartment.
You will receive from ART - POLI Italy all the necessary travel preparation and “in case of emergency” documents. Carry this packet with you (in your carry-on luggage or purse) until you get to Italy. ART - POLI Italy recommends you purchase travel insurance. This type of insurance protects you from air and program costs due to cancellations, illness, natural disasters, or terrorism.
For participants that want to drink heavily and party the ART - POLI Italy trip is not for them. ART - POLI Italy is an educational art trip fostering participants who are mature, responsible, and drug free.
Any participant found taking drugs, drinking excessively, or presenting himself or herself in an unwanted matter, including sexual harassment or any non-appropriate behavior will be asked to leave the program and will not be refunded any program costs. They will be held accountable for all Italian rules and laws regarding these matters. Participants will sign an agreement understanding the expectations for the program.
©1998-2025 Georgetta Gancarz ART - POLI® Italy