As an artist, author, professor, I lived all over the world. During coronavirus, my travel was limited but my evening walks increased. I wore my mask and carried my cell phone, using its camera to capture the silent almost empty streets. My mission was to find light, looking for illumination from the evening street lamps, traffic lights, apartment windows, and the passing car. I was looking to make relationships between the body, landscape, light, human consciousness and spatial relationships. Sometimes, I’d walk for an hour only to hear rain falling and see the blinking bright flash of an ambulance fading in the distance. Finding the street light was a reminder of life, if only artificial, to me it became my night rainbow, a beacon of hope on dark empty roads.
These photographs depict light being reflected, absorbed, distorted and dispersed and combine the inorganic with the organic, their entwined relationship with the evening light and their abstract color wheel language. Sometimes stopped abruptly, curving, turning, or joining but never without conversation or obsolete.
The body and objects become life as they move, dance and permeate small and large spaces, as if to speak colorful sentences of freedom. The freedom I lost during city lockdown but regained as the outside opened up again and I was able to document simply, light in transformation. They show the connection of the human body, landscape, city and break the borders immersing with reality, extending movement, light and expression in an abstract language of color.
I used my Android cell phone as I wanted to portray the technology of the time and its use to capture images as a traveler, pretending to be a tourist. During Covid-19, I have come to appreciate color relationships with body, light, and architecture in every city. I named this body of work, Light in Transformation because I believe a small amount of light can transform dark into radiant, whether it be scenery, the body, the human mind, or soul.
Georgetta Gancarz
For exhibition all photographs can be enlarged to enhance the experience.
All images are copyrighted.

Georgetta Gancarz Couples Reflection Photograph 2022

Georgetta Gancarz Figure Building Light on Glass Photograph 2021

Georgetta Gancarz Only One Face in the Window Photograph 2019

Georgetta Gancarz Couples Reflection Photograph 2022